Wednesday, August 10, 2011

01- Perspective

One, two, and three point perspective drawings done in my second quarter. I did them all traditionally, but for my final I put them into Photoshop and made them look much better. My teacher loved it.

One Point Perspective

Two Point Perspective
Two Point Perspective with Figures

Three Point Perspective

02- Observation/Planar Drawings

In my post for anatomy I mentioned that I didn't know about the progress review until literally, this quarter. Some of my perspective/observation drawings are no longer in my possession (my parents have them, I left my biggie pad in someone else's apartment and they threw it away, etc.) so these are the best ones I could find!

03- Gesture

I think I had (and still have) a lot of trouble with actually executing proper gesture, but these are my best tries at it.

04- Anatomy

I definitely hadn't heard about the progress review until this quarter, so some of my drawings are missing. These are the only good (in my opinion) drawings from my Anatomy class.

05- Characters

Since my Character and Object Design class has just barely gotten to the point of us actually creating our own characters, I chose characters I've already made.

Character: Vivian Gracious, first created in 2006

Quick Sketches- Left to right: Scott Kidd, Nico Wolff, Roman, Arundhati, Lakota Summer, Cali Holmes, Vivian Gracious (Vivi Grace- drawn earlier than the previous version. My characters have grown up with me.)

Character for Conceptual Storytelling last quarter - WESLEY

Character for Conceptual Storytelling last quarter - RIHLYNN

Character for Conceptual Storytelling - LIBBY - she was supposed to look/dress much like Rihlynn (above) in the story.

Characters: Lakota Summer and Arundhati (Arnie, who has again grown up with me)

Lakota Summer again, different style that I had developed before taking Anatomy/Gesture/Character Design

06- Sketchbook

While in the past I've been great at keeping sketchbooks, I haven't kept that habit up lately. So instead I have sketches or pieces that I like that I don't think are finished that I've done on paper or in Photoshop.

07- 3D Models

These two images basically sum up what we've been learning this quarter in Principles of 3D Modeling. We've been looking at NURBS and more recently, polygons. This is a kitchen assignment I made.